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Equipping disadvantaged people with skills through health and adult literacy to pursue a wholistic life



Current Programs

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Adult Literacy Education

Many people have never been able to go to school, keeping them in a cycle of poverty. They could not access education because of its cost, and some, especially women, were denied school because it was deemed a waste of time by their families and their culture.  But new realities require knowledge to get ahead, let alone survive. DCI’s adult literacy program gives these people & their families a second chance at life, equipping them with the ability to read and write, to speak the national language for the first time, to understand their rights and responsibilities in society, to develop their faith, and to run profitable businesses.

Living Health

Prevention is better than cure. It’s also cheaper and easier.  Poor health affects entire communities, dimming their outlook and crippling their economic possibilities. Poor health is a primary factor in the cycle of poverty. But many people get sick and don’t know why. DCI provides a health education program to schools and to their surrounding communities, as well as radio health talk shows, helping people to understand the causes of sickness, and then to change their lifestyles.

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