December News Letter
For God so loved the world that He sent His Son……………….
Merry Christmas from DCI! We hope you are able to be with loved ones to remember and celebrate the arrival of Jesus into our world. And if you can’t be with family we pray that you can be family to others nearby who may be alone for the holidays.
This is the first time in 15 years that Jonathan will be home for Christmas. While it will hopefully be a few days of rest and enjoyment, most of the time on this side of the world will be spent raising funds, editing new projects, and even encouraging new people to join our board. If you would like to meet with Jonathan or have him speak to a group, please let us know!
Our Ugandan staff have been a huge blessing this year. This is the first year in a long time in which we have filled most of our key positions. Jumah has been overseeing administration since last year, and Martin (Literacy Program Coordinator) and Vivien (Communications Coordinator) joined TJ and Shafik in operations. Jabez is still developing community health education programs with us, and Aggrey, Andy, and Alfred profile facilities support.
Our adult literacy teachers (22 of them) have been on leave for most of this year while we have been working hard to rebuild the curriculum and teaching system. It has been a big project, with a number of consultants joining us along with some of the teachers. It has been an unusual year, with generally more activity in the office than in the villages, but we are really excited about the new, improved, and more focused curriculum, and our new teacher training program. We are expecting a higher quality and better managed program than ever before. Of course, that can only be measured by the success of our students!
During 2018 we visited each of the upcoming class villages and met with the host church leaders, the local community leaders, and many of the people who are signed on to be our students. They are really eager to learn and to change their lives. All that we need now is sponsorship or funding for each class, about $200 per class per month.
But right now we urgently need funding to meet year-end needs. If you can help with any part of the $4000 we need, please contribute now by clicking on the giving button at the bottom of this page. By supporting this work of DCI with your prayers and your financial help you become members of our team, accomplishing great things for the Lord among people with great potential that they can’t fulfill without your help.